Understand the Basic Character of Students

Understand the Basic Character of Students
The basic character becomes strong because it is supported by certain values. These values determine the nature of a person, determining the resilience to face temptations in everyday life in society. Someone who has strong principles can still encounter obstacles, especially for someone whose life does not have strong values. The basic character is a foundation so it needs to be present in every human being. The more often you train, the more you will become a great person. By applying values in basic characters, a person will live in peace and balance. If the basic character possessed in the self develops, it will be able to maintain the behavior to become a better person. In the basic character, there are good qualities consisting of three values. The first value is not selfish, the second is honest, and the third value is discipline.
The first basic character value needs to be applied is not selfish. According to Sudewo (on Education Journal Research) being unselfish literally means being unselfish. The meaning can be broad and deep. Unselfishness symbolizes good behavior and modesty. The impression is humble, succumbing, and concerned with those who are more in need, more, and more useful. The life of people who are not selfish is not all kinds, doesn't like to hurt people, and doesn't act much less invite things. The second basic character value is honest, according to Susilo, (2014: 119) Honest is a wholehearted expression without covering anything up. Honest is an expression that signifies the clarity of one's heart in interacting with others. Honest means to reduce lying. Honest is a simple expression that requires high commitment in life.
Honest is a phrase that is easy to say, but difficult to realize. Furthermore Tresnawati, (2012: 27) explains the meaning of honest attitude that is saying the right thing which corresponds between verbal and what is in the heart. Honestly also in language can mean words that are in accordance with reality and true nature. The opposite of honesty is what is called a lie. The third basic character value is discipline. Discipline is the ability to show the best in all situations through controlling emotions, words, encouragement, desires and actions.
The same thing was stated by Tresnawati, (2012: 54) that discipline means our obedience to an agreement that we have made to achieve certain goals. According to Shochib (1998: 12) self-discipline is an essential substance in the global era to be owned and developed by children because with it he can have internal control to behave in a moral way. Thus, children are not swept away by the current of globalization, but instead they are able to color and accommodate.
Internalization of negative habits in adolescence will have a negative / negative impact as well as they grow up later. Bad treatment that is inherent in adolescents is not easily changed or corrected. Moreover, they are in an unstable condition so they are easily affected by bad things from their environment.
To overcome these problems, the formation of character, personality, and intelligence of students' thinking must be done comprehensively through a systematic and sustainable approach. The phenomenon that occurs in society today shows so many cases that disturb the wider community, which was carried out by students in the early phase of adolescence. In general, there are many events that are aired on national television and print media which present the behavior of these adolescents who experience a decline in the value of basic characters.
This can be seen from the juvenile delinquency that continues to increase starting from violations of school rules, brawls between students, smoking, and even taking drugs as if making education in Indonesia is meaningless and has undermined the nation's character which is based on Pancasila philosophy (Muslich, 2011).