The purpose of character education is the realization of essential unity

The purpose of character education is the realization of essential unity
Educational value expert Darmiyati Zuchdi, defines character as a set of traits that are always admired as signs of goodness, policy, and moral maturity. It was further said that the purpose of character education is to teach certain traditional values, values that are widely accepted as the foundation of good and responsible behavior. It is intended to foster respect, responsibility, compassion, discipline, loyalty, courage, tolerance, openness, work ethic and love for God in a person. Judging from the purpose of character education, which is planting a set of values, character education and value education are basically the same. So, character education is basically education of values, that is, the inculcation of values so that they become a character in a person and therefore color a person's personality or character.
Further understanding of character according to Adisusilo (on “Attitude of College of Education Science Students”) is a set of values that have become a habit of life so that it becomes a permanent trait in someone, for example hard work, never give up, honest, simple, and others. With that character the quality of a person is measured. While the goal of character education is the realization of the essential unity of the subject with the behavior and attitudes / values of life they have. So, character education can be done with the education of values in a person.
Character or to mark comes from Greek which means to mark or focus on how to apply values in the form of behavior, so that people are not honest, greedy, cruel and other bad behavior can be said to be people of bad character. Likewise with the opposite behavior that is in accordance with the rules will be said to have noble character (Tridhonanto, 2012: 4).
According to the Ministry of National Education Language Center (in Tridhonanto, 2012: 4) the word character means innate, heart, soul, personality, character, behavior, personality, character, character, temperament, character. In addition, according to Tadkiro Musfiroh, a character psychologist (in Tridhonanto, 2012: 4) that the character refers to a series of attitudes, attitudes, motivations, and skills. In line with this according to Sudewo (2011: 13), the word character comes from the English vocabulary, character. It means behavior. Besides character, another word that means behavior is attitude. English does not distinguish significantly between character and attitude. While I tend to distinguish the two explicitly ". In general, we can distinguish between two types of attitude. Good attitude, we call ‘character’. We say 'bad attitude'.
Character is a collection of good behavior from a human child. This behavior is a manifestation of the awareness of carrying out the roles, functions, and duties of carrying out the mandate and responsibility. The opposite character indicates a number of bad strung someone (Sudewo, 2011: 13). In the formation of human qualities, the role of character cannot be set aside. Truly this character is putting someone good or not.
The position of character is not a competency companion, but rather a basis, spirit, or soul. Without character, self-improvement from competence can be wild, running without signs and rules. That's how character always enhances people to not forget to 'improve themselves'. Then the character can be defined as a collection of good traits that become daily behavior, as a manifestation of the awareness of carrying out its roles, functions, and duties in carrying out the mandate and responsibility.
These characters include attitudes such as the desire to do the best, i.e. (a) intellectual capacities such as critical thinking and moral reasons, (b) honest and responsible behavior, (c) maintaining moral principles in situations of injustice, (d) interpersonal and emotional skills, and (e) commitment to contribute to the community and society (Tridhonanto, 2012: 4). The main factors in influencing the character and moral development of children are heredity, childhood experience, the model of a more mature person. When adolescents themselves are easily influenced by their peers, the physical and social environment in general, communication media, what is taught in schools and other institutions, and the current situation, this was stated by Campbell and Bond (in Tridhonanto, 2012: 12) in his research on factors child character formation. From the opinions above, it can be concluded that character as a human process when learning to overcome weaknesses and improve their weaknesses and bring new positive habits.
Thus, characters cannot be inherited, characters cannot be bought and characters cannot be exchanged. Character must be consciously developed and developed day by day through a process. Character is not something innate that can not be changed again like a fingerprint (Tridhonanto, 2012: 4). From the opinion of the six experts above, it can be concluded that the notion of character is a set of values and traits that are always admired as signs of goodness, wisdom, and moral maturity that have become a habit of life so that it becomes a permanent trait in a person. This character is what puts a good person or not.
The position of character is not a competency companion, but rather a basis, spirit, or soul. Besides that, it can be concluded that character is innate, heart, soul, personality, character, behavior, personality, character, character, temperament, and character. More character refers to a series of attitudes (attitudes), behaviors, motivations, and skills.

Understand the Basic Character of Students

Understand the Basic Character of Students
The basic character becomes strong because it is supported by certain values. These values determine the nature of a person, determining the resilience to face temptations in everyday life in society. Someone who has strong principles can still encounter obstacles, especially for someone whose life does not have strong values. The basic character is a foundation so it needs to be present in every human being. The more often you train, the more you will become a great person. By applying values in basic characters, a person will live in peace and balance. If the basic character possessed in the self develops, it will be able to maintain the behavior to become a better person. In the basic character, there are good qualities consisting of three values. The first value is not selfish, the second is honest, and the third value is discipline.
The first basic character value needs to be applied is not selfish. According to Sudewo (on Education Journal Research) being unselfish literally means being unselfish. The meaning can be broad and deep. Unselfishness symbolizes good behavior and modesty. The impression is humble, succumbing, and concerned with those who are more in need, more, and more useful. The life of people who are not selfish is not all kinds, doesn't like to hurt people, and doesn't act much less invite things. The second basic character value is honest, according to Susilo, (2014: 119) Honest is a wholehearted expression without covering anything up. Honest is an expression that signifies the clarity of one's heart in interacting with others. Honest means to reduce lying. Honest is a simple expression that requires high commitment in life.
Honest is a phrase that is easy to say, but difficult to realize. Furthermore Tresnawati, (2012: 27) explains the meaning of honest attitude that is saying the right thing which corresponds between verbal and what is in the heart. Honestly also in language can mean words that are in accordance with reality and true nature. The opposite of honesty is what is called a lie. The third basic character value is discipline. Discipline is the ability to show the best in all situations through controlling emotions, words, encouragement, desires and actions.
The same thing was stated by Tresnawati, (2012: 54) that discipline means our obedience to an agreement that we have made to achieve certain goals. According to Shochib (1998: 12) self-discipline is an essential substance in the global era to be owned and developed by children because with it he can have internal control to behave in a moral way. Thus, children are not swept away by the current of globalization, but instead they are able to color and accommodate.
Internalization of negative habits in adolescence will have a negative / negative impact as well as they grow up later. Bad treatment that is inherent in adolescents is not easily changed or corrected. Moreover, they are in an unstable condition so they are easily affected by bad things from their environment.
To overcome these problems, the formation of character, personality, and intelligence of students' thinking must be done comprehensively through a systematic and sustainable approach. The phenomenon that occurs in society today shows so many cases that disturb the wider community, which was carried out by students in the early phase of adolescence. In general, there are many events that are aired on national television and print media which present the behavior of these adolescents who experience a decline in the value of basic characters.
This can be seen from the juvenile delinquency that continues to increase starting from violations of school rules, brawls between students, smoking, and even taking drugs as if making education in Indonesia is meaningless and has undermined the nation's character which is based on Pancasila philosophy (Muslich, 2011).

Oral History Positions in Historical Methodology

Oral History Positions in Historical Methodology
In the study of history, oral history is actually one technique or method of collecting historical data, but it is sourced from oral information, not written sources. Approaches / techniques for collecting historical data by word of mouth are relatively new for studies of modern history, but in fact traditional historiography is sourced from oral traditions. Basically the techniques / methods of oral history are not different from the techniques / methods of history that explore the sources of written history with internal and external criticism. Oral history technique / method is a development and refinement of the research of written historical sources, such as documents and official records of historical events that can complement the writing of history with nuances of historical events that cannot be completely displayed by written data.
Oral history is on the one hand as a method (process) but on the other hand as a product (result) in the form of written data, because it has been transcribed or historical monologies such as biographies. Historical reconstructions are obtained through the process of rearranging historical facts as actual actuality into written or compiled history, which we have always known as historiography. If conventional techniques express historical actuality through written sources, in oral history historical actuality is obtained from oral sources by reviving the memories of historical agents.
The process of cultivating oral history as applies in the cultivation of history for the study of modern history, namely using a theoretical framework and a method of critical history with two stages. First, the analysis phase of evidence, looking for evidence from oral sources to compile the facts. Second, the stage of synthesis of facts in the reconstruction of history in the form of writing written history. Oral history is needed not only for people who do not have the habit of recording written sources, but also very necessary for the preparation of contemporary history as has been said above, especially after World War II and the revolutionary period.
Especially for the reconstruction of contemporary Indonesian history, the use of oral historical techniques is very important. Because the perpetrators of history are still alive, so they can complement the treasures of historical sources for writing history. In addition, oral history can also be used for various types of historical writing such as political history, economic history, cultural history, social history including local history writing and national history. Methodologically there is a limitation of the oral history method that is not being able to explore historical sources for long periods of time. Therefore the most appropriate use of oral history in the range of time close to us, because the perpetrators of history are still alive, and oral history is only able to express the experiences of someone who is very individual. Despite these limitations, oral history has advantages that cannot be obtained from written documents.
Oral history can capture certain themes that emerge from history that cannot be revealed by written documents. Oral history is more populist, so that it can achieve sociocultural life in the lower classes of society in conditions of Indonesian people who are not accustomed to written culture, while written sources are also still scarce, so the use of oral history for the reconstruction of social history becomes very important. Especially with the decline in historical actors because of the limited human age and incomplete reconstruction of Indonesia's national or national history. In revealing oral historical sources, procedures and theoretical / methodological frameworks of historical research are used with evidence and synthesis processes including source criticism.
Thus there are several things that need to be considered in the research process using the oral history method.
a. For oral historical sources, critical selection is needed in order to obtain information that can be justified. For this reason, it is necessary to first examine the personal condition and mentality of the source, perhaps weak memory or personal bragging, as well as paying attention to the age of the separator adjusted to the timeframe of the topic in question.
b. Researcher's preparation of the topic to be researched, by conducting a complete and comprehensive literature review, outlines the problem to be worked on. After that make interview guidelines that are tailored to the problem to be studied.
c. Technical interview tools include roles needed for oral history interviews, among others; tape recorder, tapes, stationery, notebooks and also other equipment such as cameras, films, batteries and others.
d. Field preparation needs to be considered carefully, because initial observations must be prepared to find out the condition of the location to fit the interview topic.
Then contact the source (separator) to determine the interview time and place of the interview, including the preparation of permission from the authorities if necessary. Other things that are needed include the focus of the interview, the knowledge of written materials and the use of language, the attitude of the interviewer and the environment that is full of intimacy, sympathy and attention to what is said. In the oral history process it gives more opportunity for the narrator to talk and never interrupts the conversation.
No matter how tempting the promise of oral history is, in practice it turns out that this method cannot be realized just like that. Oral history turned out to be far more difficult than imagined by his admirers. A number of oral history research activities have been tried in Indonesia, many of which failed, some stopped in the middle of the road, some produced recordings of interviews which were then covered in dust because they were not stored in a good filing system and were not packaged to be used by the wider community, some ended with the researcher was too confused to be able to write anything about the results of their interview, and several were published with dubious quality.

Some people reason to like certain fruits because of their nutritional content

Some people reason to like certain fruits because of their nutritional content
You definitely have one type of fruit that is the most preferred. Regardless of taste, some people reason to like certain fruits because of their nutritional content. However, the nutritional content of the fruit varies depending on its size and condition, whether raw or ripe. Now, between the two, which is more nutritious? The benefits of eating fruit for health Eating fruit not only spoil your tongue with sweet and sour taste, but also benefits the body. According to Agriculture Research on Determination of Vitamins, fruit is a source of many important nutrients such as vitamins, potassium, fiber, and folate. In addition, the fruit does not contain cholesterol and most types are low in fat, sodium, and calories.
All of these nutrients can reduce the risk of various diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, kidney stones, and hypertension. In fact, the antioxidant content is proven to protect the body from cancer. That is why you need to eat fruit every day. Nutritional content of raw fruit and ripe fruit water rich fruit The fruit that you eat, is the result of the process of growth, maturation, and defense mechanisms of a plant. When fruiting plants undergo pollination, the flowers will turn into fruit. Initially, the fruit is smaller and brighter or darker in color. Over time, the size of the fruit will enlarge and the color becomes more attractive.
The fruit is not always consumed when the conditions are ripe, some of which are often eaten while still raw, for example mangoes for salad. Well, when viewed from the raw and ripe conditions, which fruit nutrition is highest? The difference in the level of maturity, makes each fruit nutritional content different. One of the most prominent is the natural sugar content. If you eat ripe fruit, it tastes sweeter than fruit that is still raw, right? Yes, this indicates that the natural sugar content in ripe fruit is higher than the raw fruit.
Not only natural sugar, antioxidant content in fruit also increases. For example, apples and pears. When this fruit begins to ripen and its greenish color fades, certain groups of nutrients undergo changes, namely non-fluorescent chlorophyll catabolite (NCC). NCC is an antioxidant that makes apples and pears smell good and makes the apple texture harder while pears are softer. The high NCC content in both fruits can last for one week. Likewise with grapes, berries, and tomatoes that have certain antioxidant content, such as flavonoids and lycopene, are higher when ripe. The content of vitamins also changes according to the condition of the fruit. For example, ripe pineapple is higher in vitamin C than raw pineapple.
Which is better to eat? cut fruit Based on the explanation above, ripe fruit would be a good choice to eat. The content of natural sugars, vitamins, antioxidants, and water tends to be more when the fruit is ripe than when it is raw. However, this is not only seen from fruit nutrition when ripe. The taste, texture, color, and smell are among the factors considered. You certainly prefer fruits that have a softer texture, smell more fragrant, are more attractive in color, and taste sweeter. In addition, ripe fruit is also more fresh fruit juice because it tastes sweet without the need for additional sweeteners, such as sugar or honey. In people with stomach problems, ripe fruit is also safer because the acidity level has decreased.
Fruits are one of the best sources of fiber, complex carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals for breakfast. But, did you know? The combination of certain fruits for breakfast can provide far greater health benefits. Each type of fruit has its own nutritional content with their respective functions, ranging from dispelling the flu to smoothing and brightening the skin. Combining the right fruits will optimize the various functions. Fruit combination for breakfast that is worth a try All types of fruit are beneficial for your health. However, some of them have certain characteristics so that they are more suitable for breakfast. Here is a combination of the best fruits to make your breakfast more varied and healthy.
1. Kiwi, strawberries, and red grapefruit for the immune system Kiwi, strawberries, and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C which can improve the performance of the immune system. The content of vitamin C in all three is even higher than oranges which are identical to this vitamin. As a variation, you can also make other vitamin C-rich fruit combinations, such as mangoes, papaya, or pineapple for breakfast. Combine these fruits into a bowl of fruit salad with yogurt, or make a healthy smoothie without added sugar.
2. Cherries, blueberries and pineapple for a healthy digestive system Cherries contain phenolic antioxidant compounds, pineapple contains the bromelain enzyme, while blueberries contain vitamins A, C, and E. All of these components help prevent inflammation that causes disease in the digestive system. Blueberries also contain antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins. Anthocyanin helps digestive bacteria in the metabolic process of phenolic antioxidant compounds. Because of its function for digestion, blueberries are one of the best fruit combinations for breakfast.

Physiotherapy is therapy that is based on science

Physiotherapy is therapy that is based on science
If you have problems moving parts of the body, physiotherapy can be a solution. Physiotherapy is a treatment that is not only done on people who are sick but can be done by everyone as a prevention of the emergence of the disease. Another name for physiotherapy is physical therapy. There are many fields of physiotherapy including pediatric physiotherapy, stroke physiotherapy, to orthopedic physiotherapy. A physiotherapist is a person who will later determine the right program for you according to conditions using the help of appropriate physiotherapy tools. What is physiotherapy? physiotherapy Physiotherapy is a treatment carried out to help restore the function and movement of a person's body parts due to injury, pain, or loss of body's ability. In addition, awareness of physiotherapy among Senior Secondary School Students, this therapy can also be done to reduce the risk of injury or illness in the future. This treatment is in the form of movements, exercises, manual therapy, education and advice.
All walks of life can participate in this therapy. Treatment will be guided by a therapist who helps patients to deal with pain. Physiotherapy is a therapy based on science and an 'overall' approach to health and well-being, including the patient's lifestyle in general. Not only that, you can do this therapy to manage long-term medical conditions such as asthma, it can even be done for those of you who are preparing for labor. Types of treatments in physiotherapy Physiotherapy is therapy carried out using various types of treatments. The following various treatments are commonly used, including: Manual therapy Manual therapy is a technique used by physical therapists to flex the joint by massaging it directly using the hands. Electrical transcutaneous nerve stimulation This therapy is carried out using a small battery-driven device which is used to send low-level current through electrodes that are placed on the surface of the skin. This physiotherapy tool is useful to relieve pain in various parts of the body.
Magnetic therapy This one therapy is done by using electromagnets with various types and sizes. Just like electrical transcutaneous nerve stimulation, this physiotherapy tool is useful to reduce the pain that attacks. Taping Taping is a physiotherapy device in the form of elastic tape intended to heal naturally injured body parts. You do this by supporting and stabilizing muscles and joints without restricting its motion. The tool, named kinesio taping, is believed to be able to increase circulation, accelerate injury recovery, ease pain, and help overcome inflammation in the skin. Diathermy Diathermy is a type of therapy using heat flowed through high-frequency electromagnetic currents to cure various conditions.
Ultrasound and phonoperesis Therapeutic ultrasound helps reduce inflammation by pushing heat to the injured area thereby healing muscle spasms, increasing metabolism, and increasing blood flow to damaged tissue. While phonoporesis is a technique that utilizes ultrasonic waves to help the maximum absorption of topical medication. Various fields of physiotherapy based on treatment goals Physiotherapy is a type of treatment that has various health benefits. Different treatment goals are also different benefits. Of the many conditions that can be overcome with physical therapy, here are three of them: Child Physiotherapy children play alone Child physiotherapy aims to help treat children and adolescents with various physical health problems.
In addition, this therapy is also done to help provide support to families and parents who have children with various physical problems. Typically, this therapy is carried out on children who have difficulty moving parts of the body, so as to maximize physical development, activity, and the ability to play and socialize. This physical therapy is also done to overcome various health problems that inhibit body movements such as: Cerebral palsy Cerebral palsy is a group of conditions that affect the muscles and nerves.
This disease is not congenital but develops and starts from the time the baby is born. Various symptoms of cerebral palsy such as arms and legs moving abnormally, being late in talking and walking, difficulty eating, poor muscular shape in early life so that makes body posture also abnormal, poor coordination of movement, stiff body, and muscle spasms. Doing child physiotherapy can be one solution to overcome this one health problem. Global development delay Global development delay (GDD) is a delay in children's development in terms of emotional, mental, and physical. Typically, children with GDD experience problems in language knowledge and pronunciation, vision, movement skills, social and emotional skills, and thinking abilities. Through pediatric physiotherapy, GDD can be overcome to improve its development.
Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) or also called dyspraxia is a condition that affects the physical coordination of children which makes their movements not like the movements of children in general and seem stiff. Quoted from the NHS, this condition is usually three or four times more common in boys compared to girls. Just like global development delay, physical health problems on this one can also be overcome by using child physiotherapy.
Neuromuscular disorders Pediatric physiotherapy can be used to treat neuromuscular abnormalities. This condition is characterized by the inability of the nerves and muscles to work properly. This disorder usually affects nerves especially those located outside the brain and spinal cord. In addition, the condition also affects skeletal muscles such as in the trunk, arms and legs. Usually, neuromuscular disorders are congenital diseases that are carried from birth. In addition, genetic history in families who have similar conditions also increases the risk of health problems on this one.
Acquired brain injuiry (ABI) Acquired brain injury is a condition to describe all types of brain injuries that occur after birth. Usually the brain will experience injury as a result of traumatic brain injury, collisions, brain tumors, to infections and certain diseases. ABI in children can cause epilepsy, impaired vision, touch, and smell, physical ability disorders such as tremors and weak muscles, to impaired communication skills such as being late to talk. Child physiotherapy can help overcome problems related to physical problems.

Teenage pregnancy is caused by various factors

Teenage pregnancy is caused by various factors
Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in adolescents that is a result of sexual behavior whether intentional (married) or unintentional (unmarried). Teenage pregnancy is caused by several factors, namely: > Factors of religion and faith The lack of investment in religious values from an early age and the lack of faith in adolescents will have an impact on the fall of adolescents in promiscuity. > Environmental factors Parents -> The role of parents in the family, especially child / adolescent development, is very important.
The role and attention of parents is very influential on the mental development of children. Attention, love and affection of parents are needed by children in adolescence, which at this time adolescents are looking for his true identity. So if the child lacks the attention and affection of the parents, the child looks for a substitute figure who can provide the attention and affection the child expects. Less sex education from parents and family -> More open communication between children and parents, can play an important role in monitoring children's behavior in the community. Enough information about sexuality that children get from parents, can minimize the child's curiosity to access information outside the home (Influence of teenage pregnancy on Secondary School).
Friends, neighbors and the media False associations and media abuse can cause teenagers to change their mindset about sex, so they assume that premarital sex is common. > The development of science and technology that is not based on strong mental development With the progress in the field of science and technology, it makes it easy for teens to access information about sex. If this is not based on strong mental development, it can make teenagers fall into bad relationships, which can lead to promiscuity. > Lack of knowledge and excessive curiosity Knowledge of sexuality is minimal or half-half, can cause increased curiosity in adolescents.
So this encourages adolescents to look for information about sexuality from sources that they can easily get, such as: peers, books, magazines, internet, videos, etc. A great sense of curiosity can also be a stimulus for adolescents to have sexual relations outside of marriage. Minimal knowledge about teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, results in unsafe sex and the occurrence of teenage pregnancy. > Changing times The system of values and morality can change with changing times. This also has an impact on adolescent perceptions about relationships. Some teenagers think that promiscuity is a natural thing, because it is in accordance with the times.
Some teenagers think that dating trend is a normal thing, sex outside of marriage is not a taboo thing to do. The wrong perception about sex is what ultimately makes teen pregnancy in the number increases. > Age of puberty is getting faster Puberty causes changes in hormone levels, and causes a rise in sexual hormone levels. Increased age of puberty if it is not balanced with proper sexual delivery, mka will result in early sex and early pregnancy.
Pregnancy in adolescents, especially in cases of unintentional pregnancy, will have several effects, namely: Psychological Feeling depressed because you get a slur from friends, family or the community Excluded from association, because they are considered unable to carry themselves Teenagers who are still in school will drop out of school, and those who are already working are at risk of losing their jobs -> despair because pregnancy threatens their future. Physical Adolescent pregnancy is at risk à maternal death, preeclampsia, anemia, LBW, abortion, preterm birth and infant death. Pregnancy with sexually transmitted infections At delivery often requires medical treatment The fetus can experience congenital abnormalities Maternal and perinatal mortality in teenage pregnancies is higher than in healthy reproductive ages (20 - 35 years)
In retrospect, teen pregnancy has more negative effects than positive effects. To prevent the occurrence of teenage pregnancy, the efforts made are: Do not engage in sexual activities before marriage Doing positive activities Avoiding free sex Increasing faith and piety For married adolescents, delaying pregnancy by using contraception. To control the problem of teenage pregnancy, the efforts made are: Before pregnancy occurs Maintain safe reproductive health Avoid free sex Avoid multipartnersex Sexual education from an early age Increasing faith and piety Using emergency alkon After pregnancy occurs Letting the fetus live until birth Married a teenager who was pregnant Teenagers are allowed to care for their children Pregnancy can be terminated in certain cases.
If this is the case, I hope that teenage pregnancy and sexual intercourse in adolescents (context: sex outside marriage), can reduce the number of events. At least as a teenager, still maintain the eastern identity, and uphold faith and devotion to God, so that this does not happen to us, or our brothers and sisters and the wider community in general.

Culture Based Learning

Culture Based Learning
The nature of education according to Langeveld in Munib (2007: 26), is a guidance given by adults to children who are not yet mature to achieve the goal, namely maturity. In line with the notion of education, education is formed giving guidance from one person to another that makes a person from not knowing to understanding. The guidance can be in the form of guidance which is to develop one's maturity which includes aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills. Culture-based education (culture based education) is a mechanism that provides opportunities for everyone to enrich science and technology through lifelong learning.
The emergence of a culture-based education paradigm is triggered by two big currents. First, departing from the assumption of modernism that has reached its culmination so it tends to make humans to return to things that are natural (Culture shock lessons from Ayo Makuns). Second, modernization itself requires the creation of democracy in all dimensions of human life. Departing from this, inevitably education must be managed more optimally by providing the widest possible space for community participation with the value of cultural values (local policies) as part of the educational content objectives.
As an implication, education becomes a collaborative effort that involves the participation and wisdom of the cultural value system in it. Participation in this context is in the form of collaboration between citizens and the government in planning, implementing, maintaining and developing educational activities. As a collaboration, the community and its culture are assumed to have aspirations that must be accommodated in the process of planning and implementing an educational program based on the roots of its own cultural value system.
Rapid changes in society as a result of the progress of science and technology, requires educational institutions to be able to compensate for the acceleration of changes in society. Likewise, educational institutions in elementary schools, in an effort to equip students to be able to socialize properly, need to update their learning materials in accordance with developments in society. Atlanta as a country with considerable potential in the development of education must of course be able to adjust to current conditions.
The inevitability of more educational formats has become our shared obligation in the effort to realize them. Doing an effort to liberate education which has been colored by values that hegemony the creativity of students' thinking, has required us to try to change while trying to provide new concepts about actual education. Provide full opportunities for students in order to develop abilities in accordance with their talents. This will have positive implications for their natural growth and development. Culture-based learning is a strategy for creating learning environments and designing learning experiences that integrate culture as part of the learning process (Sutarno, 2012). Culture-based learning is based on the recognition of culture as a fundamental part of education, expression and communication of ideas, and the development of knowledge.
Sutarno (2012) further explained that culture-based learning is very beneficial for the meaning of the learning process and outcomes for students to gain contextual learning experiences and apperception material to understand the concepts of science in local (ethnic) culture. In addition, the model of integrating culture in learning can enrich the local (ethnic) culture which in turn can also develop and strengthen the national culture which is the culmination of a local culture and a developing ethnic culture. In culture-based learning, it is integrated as a tool for the learning process to motivate students to apply knowledge, work cooperatively, and perceive relationships between various subjects. In culture-based learning, culture becomes a method for students to transform the results of their observations into creative forms and principles about nature.
Thus, through culture-based learning, students are not just imitating and / or just accepting the information conveyed, but students create meaning, understanding, and meaning from the information obtained. Knowledge, not just a narrative summary of the knowledge that others have, but a collection (repertoire) that someone has about thoughts, behaviors, relationships, predictions and feelings, the results of the transformation of the various information received. Culture-based learning is one of the ways that is perceived as being (1) making meaningful and contextual learning very closely related to the cultural community, where a field of science is studied and will be applied later, and with the cultural community where we come from. (2) making learning interesting and fun. Learning conditions that allow contextual creation of meaning based on initial experience as a member of a cultural society.
This is in line with the thought of the constructivism flow. The learning process can occur anywhere throughout life. School is one of the places where the learning process takes place. School is a place of culture because basically the learning process is a process of civilization. In this case, the process of culture in schools is for the academic achievement of students, to cultivate attitudes, knowledge, skills and traditions that exist in a cultural community, and to develop culture in a community through academic achievement of students.
Culture is a pattern for human behavior and the products it produces carry thought patterns, oral patterns, patterns of action, artifacts, and are highly dependent on one's ability to learn and convey knowledge to the next generation. The process of cultural learning takes place in the form of inheritance of cultural traditions from one generation to the next. Inheritance of cultural traditions is known as the process of enculturation, while cultural adoption is known as the process of acculturation. Both of these processes lead to the formation of culture in a community. Education is a civilizing process, the learning process in schools is a formal civilizing process or acculturation process; then at the same time education is a tool for cultural conservation, cultural transmission, and cultural adoption, and cultural preservation.