Some people reason to like certain fruits because of their nutritional content

Some people reason to like certain fruits because of their nutritional content
You definitely have one type of fruit that is the most preferred. Regardless of taste, some people reason to like certain fruits because of their nutritional content. However, the nutritional content of the fruit varies depending on its size and condition, whether raw or ripe. Now, between the two, which is more nutritious? The benefits of eating fruit for health Eating fruit not only spoil your tongue with sweet and sour taste, but also benefits the body. According to Agriculture Research on Determination of Vitamins, fruit is a source of many important nutrients such as vitamins, potassium, fiber, and folate. In addition, the fruit does not contain cholesterol and most types are low in fat, sodium, and calories.
All of these nutrients can reduce the risk of various diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, kidney stones, and hypertension. In fact, the antioxidant content is proven to protect the body from cancer. That is why you need to eat fruit every day. Nutritional content of raw fruit and ripe fruit water rich fruit The fruit that you eat, is the result of the process of growth, maturation, and defense mechanisms of a plant. When fruiting plants undergo pollination, the flowers will turn into fruit. Initially, the fruit is smaller and brighter or darker in color. Over time, the size of the fruit will enlarge and the color becomes more attractive.
The fruit is not always consumed when the conditions are ripe, some of which are often eaten while still raw, for example mangoes for salad. Well, when viewed from the raw and ripe conditions, which fruit nutrition is highest? The difference in the level of maturity, makes each fruit nutritional content different. One of the most prominent is the natural sugar content. If you eat ripe fruit, it tastes sweeter than fruit that is still raw, right? Yes, this indicates that the natural sugar content in ripe fruit is higher than the raw fruit.
Not only natural sugar, antioxidant content in fruit also increases. For example, apples and pears. When this fruit begins to ripen and its greenish color fades, certain groups of nutrients undergo changes, namely non-fluorescent chlorophyll catabolite (NCC). NCC is an antioxidant that makes apples and pears smell good and makes the apple texture harder while pears are softer. The high NCC content in both fruits can last for one week. Likewise with grapes, berries, and tomatoes that have certain antioxidant content, such as flavonoids and lycopene, are higher when ripe. The content of vitamins also changes according to the condition of the fruit. For example, ripe pineapple is higher in vitamin C than raw pineapple.
Which is better to eat? cut fruit Based on the explanation above, ripe fruit would be a good choice to eat. The content of natural sugars, vitamins, antioxidants, and water tends to be more when the fruit is ripe than when it is raw. However, this is not only seen from fruit nutrition when ripe. The taste, texture, color, and smell are among the factors considered. You certainly prefer fruits that have a softer texture, smell more fragrant, are more attractive in color, and taste sweeter. In addition, ripe fruit is also more fresh fruit juice because it tastes sweet without the need for additional sweeteners, such as sugar or honey. In people with stomach problems, ripe fruit is also safer because the acidity level has decreased.
Fruits are one of the best sources of fiber, complex carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals for breakfast. But, did you know? The combination of certain fruits for breakfast can provide far greater health benefits. Each type of fruit has its own nutritional content with their respective functions, ranging from dispelling the flu to smoothing and brightening the skin. Combining the right fruits will optimize the various functions. Fruit combination for breakfast that is worth a try All types of fruit are beneficial for your health. However, some of them have certain characteristics so that they are more suitable for breakfast. Here is a combination of the best fruits to make your breakfast more varied and healthy.
1. Kiwi, strawberries, and red grapefruit for the immune system Kiwi, strawberries, and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C which can improve the performance of the immune system. The content of vitamin C in all three is even higher than oranges which are identical to this vitamin. As a variation, you can also make other vitamin C-rich fruit combinations, such as mangoes, papaya, or pineapple for breakfast. Combine these fruits into a bowl of fruit salad with yogurt, or make a healthy smoothie without added sugar.
2. Cherries, blueberries and pineapple for a healthy digestive system Cherries contain phenolic antioxidant compounds, pineapple contains the bromelain enzyme, while blueberries contain vitamins A, C, and E. All of these components help prevent inflammation that causes disease in the digestive system. Blueberries also contain antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins. Anthocyanin helps digestive bacteria in the metabolic process of phenolic antioxidant compounds. Because of its function for digestion, blueberries are one of the best fruit combinations for breakfast.